In August 2024, psychology lecturers from UNAM were awarded a grant to develop a psychometric tool for recruitment and selection tailored for Namibian employees. The tool will be used to enhance the recruitment and selection of job applicants across industries in Namibia.
This initiative is financed by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) based in Kenya, while the National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST) of Namibia oversees the project’s monitoring and evaluation.
The project started with initial stages in August 2024, and has made significant progress surpassing the specified timelines.
One key phase that was concluded in February 2025, is the statistical analysis process which allowed to check for validity and reliability of the developed tool. All scales and subscales yielded valid and reliable results.
The team commenced in March 2025 with the standardisation phase. The end goal of the project is to develop a tool that will be utilised in the recruitment and selection of employees, in different sectors across Namibia.
As such, the standardisation phase is intended to reach a wider sample of employees from different sectors and industries.
During this time, the team continues to engage various organisations on the tool, for their optimal involvement in the standardisation phase.
We invite stakeholders and different organisations to reach out to the team to ensure relevance of the tool in the different industries and job profiles.
Being a participant in the study ensures that the instrument is relevant and applicable to industry.
For any additional information or future collaboration, please contact any of the PI’s (Prof Poonam Dhaka at; Dr Annelisa Murangi at from the Department of Psychology and Social Work and Prof Wesley Pieters at from the Department of Higher education and Lifelong Learning.
Original story by: Dr Annelisa Murangi