Staff unite in netball: Join the UNAM team and embrace the spirit of competition

Staff members at the University of Namibia (UNAM) are forming a joint netball team and inviting you to join them! The UNAM Staff Sport and Social Club (USSSC) is calling on netball lovers among staff members to participate in the staff intercampus games in Rundu from 06 – 09 July 2023, and beyond. This initiative aims to promote wellness and health among UNAM staff members while fostering camaraderie and friendly competition.

Female staff members from UNAM’s Windhoek campuses have already formed a netball team to support the club’s mission. Despite limited training, the team fearlessly participated in the 2023 Seasonal Social Netball League at the Khomasdal Stadium. Although they lost 4-7 against Roads Authority (RA) in the first round, they maintained a strong and competitive game.

The UNAM team had the fortune of securing free points in the second round due to the absence of the Social Security Commission’s team. The upcoming matches on 01 July, will see them face off against the Bank of Namibia and Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund teams, promising exciting encounters.

Team needs additional players

To become a stronger and more competitive force, the team needs additional players. They are seeking interested individuals to join them, aiming to form a complete team of 7 players and 3 reserves, or even two full teams that can train together. Currently, the team consists of only 9 players, posing a risk during matches. Without reserves, they might end up playing with only six players, giving their opponents an advantage.

“We need more players on board to showcase our true potential,” says Klaudia Talohole Angula (PhD), a dedicated player on the team. “Our goal is to create a competitive team that can make its mark in the netball community. We can’t do it alone. We need passionate individuals ready to embrace the challenge and contribute to our success.”

If you’re a netball enthusiast, join the UNAM netball team and embark on an exhilarating journey of teamwork, growth and sportsmanship. Contact the USSSC for more information and to express your interest. Training sessions will be held from Monday to Thursday throughout the year, with details communicated through a WhatsApp group.

For more information or to join the team, contact Klaudia  at

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About the Author: Simon Namesho