On Thursday, 20 February 2020, LLB first-year students attended an orientation at the Human Rights & Documentation Centre (HRDC), to familiarise themselves with available services and information materials.
Established by the University of Namibia in consultation with the Ministry of Justice in April 1993, the Centre is a semi-autonomous component of the Faculty of Law. It aims at creating and cultivating a sustainable culture of human rights and democracy, while it serves as a research Centre that supports teaching, learning and research of human rights.
During the Centre orientation, the students were introduced to Online Access Public Access Catalogue to search for human rights materials. The skill acquired will help them to search for other information materials that are available at the university library. Materials are not allowed to leave the Centre.
The law students were also shown how to search for cases using JUTA Online publications database. The database is a very useful source for lecturers, researchers and students who are doing law programmes. Students were relieved to learn that they could use smartphones to access e-resources.

The Centre also provides space for University students with special needs.