On Friday the 14th of October 2022, the Founding President and Father of the Namibian nation, Dr Sam Nujoma, visited the University of Namibia’s Sam Nujoma Campus. This was indeed a welcome visit from the founding father as it’s been more than 3 years since his last visit to the campus. As usual, whenever the founding president is in the town of Henties Bay, he never misses an opportunity to visit the campus named after him. During this visit, Dr Nujoma was met by staff members as well as students from the campus, who ululated and sang songs in praise of the visionary struggle icon. For most students, it was their first time ever to meet face-to-face with the founding president.

During his visit, the founding president was taken on a tour of the water research laboratory at SANUMARC where research on the quality of water from the desalination unit and fog experiment is being monitored. He was shown some of the equipment being used to monitor the various chemical parameters as well as the importance of this research. From the water research laboratory, he took a tour of the Keto Mshigeni Mariculture Laboratory where he was shown research being done on macro-algae and shellfish, seawater tilapia, and feed formulations. Lastly, he was taken to the mushroom laboratory where he was shown fruiting bags of oyster mushrooms being grown on substrate amended with different seaweeds. The Founding President indicated that he was very impressed with the work being done by the researchers to create local solutions to our problems.

After his tour, Dr Sam Nujoma afforded all students and staff members an opportunity to take a personalized picture with him – an opportunity the students and staff members will cherish forever. Before his departure, the founding president was presented with our UNAM-branded bottled water. The campus was really ecstatic to have the Founding Father visiting and singing songs of long live Sam Nujoma!!